Shiny Youtube

1 minute read

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In the year 2005, the company YouTube was founded, and from hence fourth hours, if not days, of people's lives have been lost. What has drawn us to watch endless cat videos, while sitting on the toilet to escaping the prying of our bosses? When did watching people play video games become more exciting than playing them? YouTube has taught people how to build decks, change a flat tire, and, most importantly, that the moon landing was fake. What drives us to endlessly click through these videos, and does this data tell us anything about ourselves?


The purpose of this app is to provide users the ability to explore and analyze YouTube's most trending videos across the world. The data set used for this analysis was obtained through Kaggel, and a link to this page can be found here. Each record within in the dataset is a daily record of YouTube's top trending videos across the world from early 2017 to late 2018. YouTube calculates trending videos through a combination of views, shares, comments, and likes.


This app is broken into three parts: introduction, dataset, and analysis. Part one, which you are currently reading is a breakdown of the app. Part two, is a user interface which allows the user to search through the dataset, watch the videos, and read their descriptions. Part three allows the user to build various graphs to analyze and interpret the results from the dataset.

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